Thursday 23 February 2012

An immense thank you to the INFN Upper Intermediate/Advanced class for today's initial lesson. It was a great ice-breaker talking about your dream jobs, and attitude and aptitude.
I hope you try the psychometric tests on the web link, and I shall print them out for you for next Tuesday.

Thank you Cettina for the coffee, you are very kind.

Please fill in the questionnaires, and bring them to me in class next time.
Don't forget to explore the web links in my Giga school blog, especially the BBC sites, which are contemporary and practical.

See you again next Tuesday morning at 9.00 am.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Today's lesson deals with adjectives of character within the topic of work.
Many employers use psychometric testing during the selection process of suitable candidates for jobs.
Below is a link to some psychometric test examples, where you can try out the test yourself.

The following link is from

Hello again everyone, I'm back already.
This is your first assignment for homework. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to familiarise yourselves with the blog, and to demonstrate your willingness to improve your English.

You will find a link to a web page below. Click on the link. This will take you to the web page, where you can read more about today's lesson topic - psychometric testing.
Read the text on the web page, and answer the attached true of false question exercise which you can download and print out at home.

See you next time.

Click here to go to the web page link
Dear INFN Upper Intermediate / Advanced students,
Welcome to your personalised course blog.

My name is Martin, and I'm your English teacher for the next fifteen weeks.
Here is where you will be able to leave your own comments regarding lesson points and English language.
You are encouraged to use this space to interact with me and with Giga outside of lesson time.
Please make frequent use of this space, and of my Giga school blog, where you will be able to find many interesting and useful links and advice for English practice.
I hope you enjoy your lessons, and look forward to assisting you through the course and in your development during this period.
Good luck,
