Thursday 23 February 2012

An immense thank you to the INFN Upper Intermediate/Advanced class for today's initial lesson. It was a great ice-breaker talking about your dream jobs, and attitude and aptitude.
I hope you try the psychometric tests on the web link, and I shall print them out for you for next Tuesday.

Thank you Cettina for the coffee, you are very kind.

Please fill in the questionnaires, and bring them to me in class next time.
Don't forget to explore the web links in my Giga school blog, especially the BBC sites, which are contemporary and practical.

See you again next Tuesday morning at 9.00 am.


  1. Yep, a really nice initial lesson indeed. :-)

    See you next time.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Benedetto. I knew I could rely on you!
      Have you looked at the psychometric tests or the reading yet?
      Looking forward to our next session.
      Bye for now.

    2. I've had a quick look at the pyschometric tests, and did the full read of the article. I'm not sure about this, but I have this strange feeling the article had lots of intentional errors... that or, the article hasn't been written by someone who has English as his primary language!

      Well, I guess we'll find out during next lesson.

      See you tomorrow.

