Thursday 1 March 2012

"Regenerative environmental control systems"
What do you think the above title refers to?
This is the curious name given to an indispensable piece of equipment on board the capsule that put the first American astronaut into orbit - but what is it?
Go to the link and watch the video of John Glen's speech to find out.

Watch the video about this modern day space technician's specialisation.


  1. "Regenerative environmental control systems"... well, excluding the one the article refers to, I believe the most technologically advanced units can be found in Japan. :-P

  2. Ah, Benedetto. I see you have once again taken a look at the INFN blog and left me a comment.
    Very well done! I appreciate your enthusiasm for the English course and encourage your peers to do likewise.
    See you again on Thursday.

  3. INFN English learners - Please remember to bring your 'Language to go' books with you on Thursday for the next lesson.
    See how much of the grammar and vocabulary homework you can do over the next few days - the purpose of homework is for you to be exposed to lesson input immediately after lessons in order to consolidate learning and increase retention of language input.
    See you at the next lesson.
