Thursday 1 March 2012

Welcome Paolo and Domenico.

What a nice lesson I had together with you all today. I was sorry Cettina couldn't be with us although I know she is elsewhere enjoying her day.
I was very pleased to meet Paolo and Domenico, at last - welcome to your English class.
Thanks to all of you who have done homework and completed the questionnaires. I will publish the results as soon I have them all back. This will allow us to model our lessons to meet your specific needs without boring you.
There are lots of things I have in mind for your future lessons, and they are all orientated around understanding language and stimulating advanced usage of English such as connotations, register, style, English usage, idioms etc.

Below is a link to some listening from the BBC. There is also a text you can follow as you listen. Don't worry, there are no trick questions in class afterwards.

50th anniversary of NASA space orbit

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